Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Public Education: A Call to Action for Leaders

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a top issue for public sector leaders, arriving with significant potential to accelerate positive outcomes for students and communities across the country – as well as real risks if not done well. Considering this emerging priority, MGT is focused on building a strong community around AI to support leadership development and build AI literacy. We view AI as a key tool for these leaders to improve on their current commitments to students and families while also transforming systems to meet expanding expectations for public sector services, technology, and innovation.

In September, we helped organize a high impact convening for leaders across the country to advance AI awareness and action. The AI in Education Convening was an executive-focused gathering that brought together a unique cross-section of expertise across public, private, and nonprofit sectors during a critical moment for K-12 leaders (including Superintendents, CIOs, CAOs, and others) to take the mantle of AI ownership and stewardship. The convening was focused on:

  • Advancing AI Awareness & Action: Elevate the understanding of AI opportunities and risks, with actionable insights for K-12 education.
  • Fostering Strategic Collaboration: Connect district leaders, superintendents, state commissioners, and other ecosystem partners to innovate and share strategies on AI integration.
  • Building Key Relationships: Strengthen partnerships and establish new connections to sustain long-term collaboration on AI initiatives in education.

Attendees heard from national experts on AI trends and policymakers with a finger on the pulse of the future of AI. Leading K-12 Superintendents from many of the nation’s largest school systems shared their AI journeys and posture. Education leaders sat at shared tables with experts from across the education and technology ecosystem to discuss their AI approach and plot out first moves to accelerate student and system success.

We were thrilled to see this community come together and elevate those who are doing the challenging work of changing education ecosystems “on the ground”. We walked away from the convening with some key learnings:

  • AI Understanding Fosters Enthusiasm & Innovation: Presentations from AI experts demystified the technology, showcasing its potential to drive growth and creativity within schools. If leaders actively seek and create these “aha moments” for themselves and their teams, they can inspire engagement and innovation around AI applications in their districts.
  • Take a “Both/And” Posture: An effective AI strategy combines both incremental and transformational changes, system-level and classroom-level use cases, as well as “offense” (proactive uses of AI) and “defense” (guardrails and risk mitigation). A great starting point is an AI Readiness Assessment that can help organizations understand where they are in their AI journey.
  • Don’t Do AI Alone: Leaders should leverage ecosystem and technology expert’s partnerships and engage various stakeholders, including educators and policymakers, to foster a supportive environment for AI integration. Building these relationships not only strengthens AI initiatives but also ensures a more holistic approach to educational innovation. This need for a community platform is exactly why we created MGT.ai.
  • Focus on Student Success and Well-Being: The convening reaffirmed a shared commitment among leaders in policy, philanthropy, technology, and school systems to prioritize student success and well-being in all AI endeavors. As leaders embark on their AI journeys, they must continually ask how their initiatives will impact students and their learning experiences, ensuring that technology serves as a tool for empowerment rather than a barrier.

Above all, it was a landmark moment to bring together such a cross-section of the education sector around this critical issue –including leaders from policy, philanthropy, technology, and school systems– with a shared commitment to student success and well-being.

We are excited to continue building this community, nurturing these relationships, and supporting leaders who oversee harnessing AI for the benefit of students and communities. As we cultivate this momentum, we invite you to join us in exploring the transformative potential of AI, sharing best practices, and committing to an inclusive, innovative future in education.

For more information, or to start your own AI Readiness Assessment today, connect with an MGT AI expert at solutions@mgt.ai.