MGT AI Strategy and Implementation

Educate. Organize. Execute.
Strategy and Implementation

Your trusted partner and advisor in education, state and local government, and infrastructure to help inform and navigate your journey in AI.

MGT’s leadership team in education, state and local government, technology, and enterprise is here to help you explore the limitless opportunities of AI in a safe, responsible manner.  We can help you automate, modernize, accelerate and maximize the quality of services provided in your organization.

With greater efficiency and effectiveness to meet the needs of students, residents, public agencies, and businesses, together, we can impact communities for good.


At MGT, we’re committed to guiding you through every stage of your AI journey, from training and planning to implementation and beyond. Trust us to help you unlock the full potential of AI in your organization, accelerating impact for the communities you serve.
Engage in interactive workshops designed to assess current AI knowledge, capabilities, and business needs, providing a comprehensive understanding of readiness and potential areas for AI development.
Collaborate with our trusted AI partners to deliver specialized educational training programs tailored to your unique needs, fostering a continuous learning environment for potential AI applications.
Access the latest AI insights, trends, and best practices through invitation-only convenings, briefings, newsletters, and knowledge-sharing sessions, empowering you to stay informed and current on best practices for AI.


We support you to develop coherent, high-impact AI implementation roadmaps that align AI initiatives with your strategic objectives, spanning backend IT infrastructure and data to frontline interactions with customers and constituents.
Develop tailored AI adoption roadmaps, outlining clear objectives, milestones, and action plans to help guide your journey towards AI integration. Our roadmaps include tactical implementation tools, including physical hardware and infrastructure to software applications.
Design and launch AI advisory councils comprised of key local leaders across the public, private, and non-profit sectors to provide input, feedback, and capacity on AI strategy development, ensuring alignment with your mission and goals.
Organize AI tools, resources, and systems into coherent frameworks and workflows, enabling, high-functioning effective AI implementation solutions that deliver measurable results, responsibly and safely. Additionally, we help you understand off-the-shelf AI-enabled solutions, separating the hype from reality.


We are your trusted partner and advisor for implementing AI effectively and safely, from training your staff to deploying the appropriate AI solutions. Whether leveraging our platform services, internally developed processes and technologies, or partnering with industry allies, our focus is based on securing measurable outcomes for greater social impact and performance.

Facilitate partnerships with leading AI providers to develop and deploy practical, robust solutions tailored to the needs of your community.
  • Cyber Fusion Center for cyber threat detection, prevention, and response.
  • Endpoint Experience Engine (E3) platform for identifying and quarantining infected host from your infrastructure.
  • Manufacturer Solutions for resale, implementation, and managed services.
We prioritize safety and ethical considerations and guardrails in AI development, especially in areas where AI applications may have potentially negative impacts, ensuring that our solutions uphold the highest standards of safety and accountability.

Risk Mitigation of
the Digital Divide

At MGT, we are cognizant of the digital divide impacting those who have access and use of digital technologies, including the internet, computers, and phones, and those who do not. Research shows that AI has the potential to both benefit and disadvantage marginalized communities in several ways, including access to technology, algorithm biases, job displacement, and surveillance and privacy. Access to technology is not a new disparity issue, especially in the digital world we live in today.  The difference now is the impact of AI’s widespread speed and utilization which has the potential to drastically increase the pace and size of the digital divide. We are working on initiatives in communities across the country to close the digital gap.
Digital Literacy AI Solution:
To help contain and close the digital divide, MGT is studying, researching, and launching initiatives to ‘supercharge’ existing efforts to improve access to technology and digital literacy in underserved communities.

Featured Team

Dewand Neely

Chief Information Officer

Rajeev Bajaj

Executive Vice President
Education Solutions

AI Insights

See how AI is impacting communities for good.